Stock management reporting

Stock Visibility

Get instant visibility into stock levels, allowing your businesses to accurately track stock movements and make informed decisions about sales and reordering.

Efficient Order Fulfilment

Optimise your order fulfilment processes and improve customer satisfaction by making sure customers know what is in stock, and analyse where your stock holding is falling short.

Prevent Stockouts and Overstock

By setting up stock minimums and maximums, AutoMagic can help your businesses prevent stock shortages and overstocking situations by ensuring optimal inventory levels.

Customisable Reporting

Reporting dashboards for AutoMagic offers custom reporting tools, allowing businesses to gain insights into inventory performance, trends, and areas for improvement.


Whether a small business or a large enterprise, AutoMagic will scale to accommodate your business. As your stock room grows, we can evolve into a full blown WMS to control every part of your warehouse.


Stay compliant with regulations and standards by maintaining accurate records. We can control batch number traceability, reporting for current Packaging Tax Regulations and and much more.